Tickets and bookings
Do we have to pay for admission to the AfricaMuseum?
Yes. You also have to pay entrance to the museum. But hey, you get a greatly reduced price of 8 euros pp.
Can we change the number of participants in advance or on the spot?
No changes can be made on site. If you wish to change a booking in advance, please contact the HintSeekers team by phone and we’ll help you out.
Are there gift cards available to HintSeekers?
These will be available via the website:
Is it possible to cancel my booking for the AfricaMuseumQuest?
Once you have placed / paid for a booking, it is no longer possible to cancel it. A time slot has been reserved for you and has been removed as an option for other participants.
How much does the AfricaMuseumQuest cost per participant?
The AfricaMuseumQuest is possible from €13 pp, we charge per group/envelope and not per person. Take a look at our prices